Friday, January 8, 2016


New Year!

Happy. Be happy.

I was walking along the construction site to see a Jamaican-looking dude doing paint jobs.

Moments later when I walked pass by again, I smelled some hint of green (like the medicinal weed green).

This is the second out of second time (2/2) that the same thing has happened.

It made me happy. Don't ask me why.
The manager looking dude who came by also looked happy.

Ask them. :)

I'm posting photoshop 000 today.

This is called the "3-point curve".

It is the first thing a retoucher would learn.

Look at the dots.

I made 3 of them.

Along the Vertical lines.

This is how it goes:

The RIGHT one is the light one
The MIDDLE one is the base
The LEFT one controls darkness.

Cover the BASE, then control the Light and Dark.
Controlling midpoint (the middle dot) controls overall contrast when those other 2 dots are created.
Otherwise, you read the mountain (histogram) and do wut you wana do.

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