Thursday, May 26, 2016

sculpture shot

Tuesday hits with a hint of Monday in the back. 
Wednesday skips itself to be another day and, 
Thursday is a reminder of all the rest to come...

Everyday we keep aside our life from our bathroom. 
Even though we face ourselves inside...
Flush away, wash away, just like yourself...

Maybe we need a reminder like a mirror in a cell, 
Just so that you can remember your creases and well,
Now wait, why don't you put a sculpture or two.

You know when you rinse your face in the morning,
You need a distraction like in the news, 
that puts you away from the busy things in our mind. 

So let Monday hit you in the back unconsciously,
And wake up to be Saturday morning so fast...
Look around, you've got all day to remember, that,

That you've got unnecessary things to look at. 

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