Tuesday, August 12, 2014


I've been away for a while.

To the "Land of Corporates"….

The Land of Corporates.

It is a mysterious island where only corporations reside.
Of course,

There's a lot of other stuff, like the harbor and the red light districts…


I now have time to invest on shots that take hours-and-hours…….

I started colorimetric'ly correcting pixels, so it doesn't offend the "code".

The "CODE" of Photography.

Thou shalt adjust light while it goes thru your machine.
And light only, in a veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery loose sense.

When you digital dark room,
you get to zoom in.

Pixel language.

Color noise and stuff like that can be changed "Dark-Room'ly", if done with respect.

I have to change my top image, but I totally forgot how to do it.
While I still remember all my digital darkroom to-the-tee.

Anyways, persistence is gold.
I have been busy doing art then architecture then art then design, but it has been a long time and my hands are back to my camera.

Because this is a photography blog.

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