Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I was watching this video clip of our client.
We cater museums to give what they want.!

Anyways, this is my other life, when I'm an architect-slash-exhibition designer.
When the show takes off, my role switches from exhib design to architect. Back to masonry again.

The masonic industry is always full of shady deals. Cuts here and cuts there, one day my colleague went to his job-site to see one of the structural column being cut. Now that don't make sense.

Due to cheap labors and competitions amongst contractors to cut money, things goes wrong all the time.

Sometimes its the architects, sometimes its the contractors, and who knows what more.
Intentional mistakes and non-intentional errors arising from juvenile attitude or over-professionalism happens every day. And its not a virtual world we are dealing with. So lawsuits and contracts are very common words to us.

Bricks and stone are as real as anything can get.

It takes 1 year to make something and 10 years to truly appreciate it.
If it still stands.

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