Thursday, March 26, 2015


I post my 'work' photos here.

Back in the days, my mentor Chris Goodney taught me how to shoot architecture.
I was already graduated from an architectural academic study, so I kinda got it fast.

Architectural photography, whether you like it or not, can be the MOST boring profession in the field of photography.

"Chris, whatcha up to?"
"I've been working since 6AM to catch the sunrise, I'm still shooting at site (4PM)"

Rise till sunset.
Chasing the sun.

If any of my readers are from architectural background, you may or may not have heard of sun-diagram.
Sun is perhaps the second most important element in architecture. But in architectural photography, it is the most important element.
(btw, Foundation is the most important in Architecture)

I don't shoot that rigorously, unless job or task asks me, but standard protocol is wake up before the sun rises, get there before the sun hits the building, and never leave before lights are out.
Did I tell you about site-research?

Most proper arch photographers do their 'site survey' (or research) days before shooting.
What time does the sun comes up?
At 3pm, where's it hitting?
What's the season?

Architecture is a story of life capsulated in shelter. Sun is most likely our source of happiness, so space majestically looks good when light + space = harmony.

These days, traditional approaches are unfortunately less appreciated when time + money = what they want.

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