Friday, February 21, 2020


Step ! is to make something that sells. 
Step 2 is to make something of value.

Selling is hard. People buy something they need. 
Usually, that is the process and the step. 

Art has no function. I think toilet paper is more valuable than art that has no value. 
If art obtains function, it becomes.... (I'm not gonna tell you lol). 

Think for yourself. 

I need something. 
I need a blue wall or a painting but I need something to decorate my wall. 
That is the intention of buying a painting. 
If I have class, culture and taste, I will get something that shows my status. 
Therefore art needs to be.... (I'm not gonna say here lol).

It is too rude to offend people. 

Let me skip a paragraph. I don't feel like explaining. 
Step 2 is making something people break their rules. 
"I want it" is a strong word and it becomes "I Need It." 

I sold and consigned all I've had.
I only got a broken one and something unfinished.

I sold everything I had.