All my curves are generic and therefore a product of results.
Don't you hate on me cuz it looks cool.
Today I'd like to write about curves.
Typical shapes reappear as I fix color.
I call this the Muscle Tone curve.
Notice how RGB is being separated contrast to the white (overall) curve.
It's like flexing the muscle in color and tone. Cool.
This one is called (you know it's me whose making these names) Reverse Butterfly curve
Notice it's only 1 color that's going nuts and creating a complete reverse sine wave type of situation in contrast to the general (white) curve.
If you've followed my blog, you've seen this a lot.
I call this the Follow the Mountain curve.
Waves in toning color occur a lot.
I call this situation the Flock of Bird situation.
This ones got 2 birds that's not flying together.