Saturday, February 25, 2017

Poppy and

okay I watched "I'm Poppy" YouTube.

I'm up to date.

The world moves so fast its hard to keep up to date.
"Whose Miley Cyrus?" I asked Kyle one day.

I had no clue about her ass.

The world moves so fast but I move too slow. 

Saturday, February 18, 2017

All images unedited

This is Eury. 

I got this signature Cyan. 
I capture cyan very well, because I maintain color balance well (I think). 
Why? Because Cyan is a very strong color. It's so strong, if you mix Yellow and Magenta, you can create almost any color. It's that fundamental. Prime color (that's RGB tho). 

My Cyan looks good.
It looks natural. 

These are all unedited (kinda). 
just like 1 minute on each. 

Friday, February 17, 2017

Hong Kong

I found this old ass camera I thought I gave back...
And I found my old memory card in it.


Old photos.

downtown la

I went to Downtown LA few weeks ago. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

rough edits

Super rough edits of my recent experiment. 

my website is:

+1 818 472 9697

doggy dog world

uncropped, unedited, unretouched

These shots are taken on Fuji X100S.
I like Fujifilm's take on color rendition.

Above image is straight form the camera.
I love the color.

Below image I used auto edit on LightRoom (I have their license / I actually bought their standalone LR6 ;D ).
I like Fuji's original image more.

i used almost all auto etc on LR

Image was taken in Unchahar, India. 

hotel un ise

Good morning life.

It's a mess. Oh, I meant, watever. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

detective Denton

Denton you look like a COP!
charles osawa photography / c.o.p.

email me at :

Monday, February 6, 2017

shooting portraits

I am shooting portraits.

Anyone who wants a shot, call me at COP +1 818 472 9697.
Charles Osawa Photography. COP.

U a cop!?

Yeah, I'm 'COP'!

Saturday, February 4, 2017

just thoughts

Camera stabilization is something we shouldn't rely on.
Because, even if you're stabilized by technology, the person you are shooting may not be...